martes, 2 de junio de 2015

Vocabulary- Unit 7

-Allergic reaction: reaccion alergica
-Breathe: respirar
-Broken foot: pie roto
-Cough: tos
-Emergency room: sala de emergencias
-Flu: gripe
-Headache: dolor de cabeza
-Injection: inyeccion
-Itchi: algo que produce picor
-Pain: dolor
-Pill: pastilla
-Rash: erupcion
-Runny nose: naiz taponnada
-Severe: grave
-Sore thoat: dolor de garganta
-Stmach ache: dolor de estomago
-Swollen: higado
-Symptom: sintoma
-Treatment: tratamiento
-Raining cats and dogs: make sure you take an umbrella
-Like water off duck`s back: upset by such things
-A right owl: 11 a.m.
-A queer fish: talked to himself
-A whale of a time: wants to go again next year
-A wolf in sheep´s clothing: was arrested for abusing one of his students
-Can of worms: evidence of serious crimes
-Chickens come home to roost: they´ve left and he´s old and lonely
-Drink like a fish: never looks drunk
-Zebra crossing: people to croos the road

Vocabulary-Unit 6

-Naughty: mala gente
-Auction: subasta
-Beast/show of: presumir
-To be fit: estar en forma
-Tray: bandeja
-Ashtray: cenicero
-Abandoned: abandonado
-Considerate: atento
-Cruel: cruel
-Extraordinary: extraordinario
-Irresponsible: irresponsable
-Mistrated: maltratado
-Neglected: abandonado
-Shocking: escandaloso
-Thoughtless: desconsiderado
-Tough: fuerte
-Uninformed: no informado
-Unwanted: no deseado
-Well meaning: buena persona