martes, 2 de junio de 2015

Vocabulary- Unit 7

-Allergic reaction: reaccion alergica
-Breathe: respirar
-Broken foot: pie roto
-Cough: tos
-Emergency room: sala de emergencias
-Flu: gripe
-Headache: dolor de cabeza
-Injection: inyeccion
-Itchi: algo que produce picor
-Pain: dolor
-Pill: pastilla
-Rash: erupcion
-Runny nose: naiz taponnada
-Severe: grave
-Sore thoat: dolor de garganta
-Stmach ache: dolor de estomago
-Swollen: higado
-Symptom: sintoma
-Treatment: tratamiento
-Raining cats and dogs: make sure you take an umbrella
-Like water off duck`s back: upset by such things
-A right owl: 11 a.m.
-A queer fish: talked to himself
-A whale of a time: wants to go again next year
-A wolf in sheep´s clothing: was arrested for abusing one of his students
-Can of worms: evidence of serious crimes
-Chickens come home to roost: they´ve left and he´s old and lonely
-Drink like a fish: never looks drunk
-Zebra crossing: people to croos the road

Vocabulary-Unit 6

-Naughty: mala gente
-Auction: subasta
-Beast/show of: presumir
-To be fit: estar en forma
-Tray: bandeja
-Ashtray: cenicero
-Abandoned: abandonado
-Considerate: atento
-Cruel: cruel
-Extraordinary: extraordinario
-Irresponsible: irresponsable
-Mistrated: maltratado
-Neglected: abandonado
-Shocking: escandaloso
-Thoughtless: desconsiderado
-Tough: fuerte
-Uninformed: no informado
-Unwanted: no deseado
-Well meaning: buena persona

domingo, 22 de marzo de 2015

Vocabulary- unit 5

-abstract: abstracto
-charcoal: carbocillo
-clay: arcilla
-creative: creativo
-drawing: dibujo
-exhibition: exposición
-ink: tinta
-landscape: paisaje
-masterpiece: obra maestra
-oil: óleo
-portrait: retrato
-realistic: realista
-sculpture: escultura
-sketch: boceto
-talented: talentoso
-watercolour: acuarela
-cheerful: alegre
-complex: complejo
-curved: curvo
-flat: liso
-lovely: precioso
-rough: rugoso
-shiny: brillante
-simple: sencillo
-smooth: suave
-three-dimensional: tridimensional
-traditional: tradicional

Vocabulary- unit 4

-advanced: avanzado
-calculate: calcular
-filter: filtrar
-laser beam: rayo laser
-microship: microprocesador
-project: proyecto
-record: grabar
-reflect: reflejar
-store: alamacenar
-transmit: transmitir
-vision: visión
-hide: esconder
-identify: identificar
-imagine: imaginar
-include: incluir
-make sense of: encontrar sentido a
-preserve: preservar
-represent: representar
-sign: firmar
-wonder: maravillar

sábado, 21 de marzo de 2015

The Phantom of the Opera- chapter 10

-insanity: locura
-had no choice: no tenia elección
-hollow: endemoniada
-tightened: apretar
-gathered: armarse de valor
-dreadful: horrible
-barely: apenas
-held his chest: sujetar su pecho
-clouded with pain: echo polvo
-pierced: atravesar
-released: liberado
-dragged: arrastrar
-stepping: subiendo
-carriage: carruaje
-neatly: imparable
-folded: doblado
-wrapped: envolver
-faint: borrosa
-overturned: volcado
-bent: agacharse
-last trace: ultimo rastro
-still: todavia
-fleeting shadow: cuando pasa una sombra
-circus sidesshow: barracon cutre
-been flesh and blood: ser carne y sangre
-deeds: actos
-laid down: apoyar
-unwrap: desenvolver
-painful: doloroso
-mahogany: cajita de caoba
-locking: cerrar con llave
-brass: metal
-lap: regazo
-engraved: grabada
-forgiveness: perdón
-ringing: resonar

The Phantom of the Opera- chapter 9

-roast: asar
-lamb: cordero
-spit: picho
-of thirst: de sed
-fainting: desmayo
-burnt alive: quemar vivas
-overcome: desbordado
-frantically: desesperadamente
-gead of a nail: cabeza de aguja
-blackness: negrura
-neither thinking: ni pensando
-barrels: barriles
-parched: sedientos
-stopper: tapón
-gunpowder: polvora
-were at stake: estar en juego
-handles: tiradores
-grasshoper: saltamontes
-around: resonó
-the fate: el destino
-set off: activar
-ashes: cenizas
-wound: herida
-choice: decision
-It doesn´t matter any more: me da igual los demas
-pouding: latiendo
-set them free: dejar libre
-still: sin moverse
-to be buried alive: ser enterrado vivo
-freed: muy asustados
-waists: cintura
-drown: ahogarse
-you would be dead now if it hadn´t been for me: tu estarias muerto ahora si no fuera por mi
-saved: salvados
-began to lose: empiezar a perder
-that death would now be welcome: la muerte ahora seria bienvenida

The Phantom of the Opera- chapter 8

-unseen: invisible
-sticking: sobresale
-slip open: deliza
-drawled: gatear
-dazzled: deslumbrado
-torture chambers: sala de torturas
-shuddered: sentir un escalofrio
-rack: compartimento
-onlookers: publico
-ugliness: fealdad
-amongost: entre
-unwanted: marginadas
-put an end to his dream: puso final a su sueño
-helplessly: sin poder evitarlo
-beyond repair: sin solucion
-conceal: tapar
-bear: soportar
-ears away: no ecucha nada
-heartless remarks: comentarios crueles
-rejection: rechazar
-scorn: desecho
-turning: volverse en contra
-pitied: apiadar
-wickedness: maldad
-I was a fool: que tonto fuí
-without a trace: sin rastro
-foundations: cimientos
-own private kingdom: su reino privado
-make out: entender
-sobbing: llorando
-harsh: severa
-kicked: dar patadas
-aroused: despetar
-deserve: mereces
-fiery: intensas