martes, 15 de octubre de 2013

The oranges comes from south of the Himalayas and southern China. It was in the south of China, 4000 years ago when they began to cultivate the oranges. Alejandro Magno brought oranges to East and then the first oranges came to Spain

lunes, 14 de octubre de 2013


-To take the bull by the horns: to deal with a difficult situation in a brave and firm way.
-Two heads are better than one: that when two people work togetter they are more likely to salve a problem that one person doing it alone.
-To keep your head above water: you are just managing to survive despite not, mucch money.
-It is as easy as pie: if something is very easy.
-Pie-eyed: if someone is very drunk.
-To have a finguer in many pies: you are involved in lots of differents activities.
-A bad egg: if we want to say that someone is bad or desonest.
-Don´t pull all your eggs in a basket: you should never relyon only one plan in case it goes wrong.
-He got egg on his face: if someone makes a mistake which makes him/her look stupid.
-Full of beans: he is full os energy.
-I haven´t got a bean: you haven´t got money.
-Spill the beans:if we want to tell us something secret we can say this expressions.
-It´s a hot potato: if there is a delicate issue and people can´t agree we call it "a hot potato".
-They´re like two peas in a pod: two people look very similar we can use this expression.
-It´s not my cup of tea: if there´s something we don´t like much.
-I wouldn´t do it for all the tea in china: there´s something we would never do it.
-It´s as good as a chocolate teapot: if something is completely useless wie say this expressions.
-He´s gone banana:if someone is very emotional and stars shouting and behaving in a crazy way.
-It´s a case of sour grapes: if somebody pretends not to be impressid by something because she/he feeb jealous we use yhis expression.
-A second bite of the cherry: if we try to do something a seconde time because we failed at firts.
-There are plenty more fish in the sea: there are other choices in a situation it is often said to comfort someone who had a romantic break-up.
- The icing on the cake: to refer to something good which is added an already god thing os situation.
-It´s just not crikect: to say that something is unfair o dishonest.
-To toy with (somebody or something): not to take someone´s feelings seriously.
-A toyboy: is the younger boyfriend of an older person.
-Like a ton of bricks: something that is very heavy. This expression can be use literally or idimotically
-To fly the nest: to leave your parents´home for the firts time to go and live somewhere else.
-A nest egg: an amaunt of money you have saved in the future.
-I wasn´t born yesturday: if someone is telling you a very obviouslie, you can use this expression.
-To have a whale of a time: to have a lot of fun while doing something.
-The big cheese: is the most important or powerfaul person in a group or organization
-Chalk and cheese: to define two people who are very different to each other.
-A little bird told me: if you have information but you do not want to reveal who told you.
-To be or have a big mouth: you talk to much especially abaut things wich should be kept in secret.

miércoles, 2 de octubre de 2013

hello all

welcome to my blog for this year in English, here publishes my glossary and send us Ascen things, I will not use for more things.