lunes, 27 de enero de 2014

Glossary social unit 4

  • Budget-a sum of money to be used for a specific purpose by a government.
  • Cap-the Common Agricultural Policy.
  • CFP- the Common Fisheries Policy.
  • Citizenship-the condition or status of a citizen, with its rights and duties.
  • Cohesion-the act of uniting or staying together.
  • Common market-a market based on common policies and the free movement of goods, services, people and capital.
  • Develepment-the act or process of growing or making progress.
  • Duty-something you must do.
  • Fragmentation-when production processes occur in different phases, in different places.
  • Free movement-the unrestricted movement of goods, services, people and capital in a common market.
  • Funds-the financial resources used by governments or political institutions for a specific purpose.
  • GDP-the Gross Domestic Product.
  • Heterogeneity-a thing that consists of dissimilar elements or parts.
  • Hierachy-social system  in which some people order and the rest obey.
  • Highway/Motorway-large road by where main ground transport goes by from one city to another.
  • Homogeneous-made up of the same kind of people or things.
  • Investment-the act of using something to achieve a goal.
  • Monetary Union-the sharing of the same currency between two or more states.
  • Outskirts-the bordering areas of a city.
  • Outsourcing-part of a company’s work is sent to another company, sometimes in a different country because it is a cheaper or more efficient option.
  • Profitable-something by which you gain some benefits.
  • Seafaring-related to the sea.
  • Skeptical-doubtful.
  • Subsudy-a type of financing offered by a government.
  • Surplus-what is left over after producing excessively.
  • Treaty-a formal agreement between two or more states related to international relations.